If you don't pin, you totally should.
I originally just started out looking for craft projects that I would totally do, you know in all of my spare time.
And then it dawned on me that I could use it for so much more.
To find new healthy meals.
Source: letsdishrecipes.blogspot.com via Kendra on Pinterest
Fitness inspiration.
Source: Uploaded by user via Candy on Pinterest
Even fitness inspired crafts!
If you don't have an account yet, you should totally get one. I'd be happy to send you an invite! And you can follow me, my username is totallyturtle.
Just don't judge all of the yumminess that I have pinned.
I sort of have a sweet tooth.

That couple's PR board is SO cute! I love Pinterest!!!
I am such a pinner! I'm going to follow your board :) My food board is called *drool*...and I have a ton of sugary treats that I will most likely never make, but will always dream about! My user name is radiationmommy.
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