
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm not a big planner

I am not a big planner.

Procrastinator, yes. Planner, no.

I am really good at waiting until the last minute to do things. Like buy christmas presents, and wrap them, and ship them.
And sign up for 10K's.

That is right. On Saturday afternoon, while the kids were napping, I drove myself to the (kind of) local RoadRunner sports and signed myself up for a 10K.

It was Sunday morning.

I had not trained. In fact, the last time I had even gone for any kind of run was about two weeks prior. But something told me to just do it.

To do the thing that I thought I could not do.

I signed up solo for this race, my first one without Husband by my side, and I was really anxious about it.

But I woke up early, got ready, and started out all by lonesome. I think I stopped at the restroom about ten times before the race started, just to make sure I was good.

Once I got there, I found my place at the back of the pack and waited for the race to start! I felt much more out of place at the start of a 10K than I did at the 5K's I've done.

I started out with my new play list rockin in my ears, and set a pace that I probably could have maintained for all 6 miles.

But somewhere around mile 3 I started walking, for no real good reason, and I'm still kicking myself for it.
Because after that, it was run, walk, repeat. Bummer.

At about mile 5 (maybe?) I saw Husband and all three kids!! He had gotten them all up and ready and they had come to cheer me on! It was so amazing!

Mallory and Donovan joined me for a little bit, but they turned around and went back to Husband after about a tenth of a mile. That was my favorite tenth of a mile, by far. And something I hope never to forget.

At the mile 6 marker, I felt like I was done and that I couldn't go any further. And that's when Darra came back for me. I had just met her 4 days prior at a SET class I took at the gym, and yet she came back to run the last part with me. How amazing is that? I know I wouldn't have kept running if it hadn't been for her.

Before I started, I set two goals for myself. To finish under 90 minutes, and to not be last.

Well, I did it. My time was 1:27. And I was not last. I may have been slow, but I was not last.

I decided next time I'm running with Adrienne, because she totally rocked her first one this weekend too.

But I did it. I ran a 10K.

And here I am with two of the kiddos at the finish line.


Adrienne said...

Awe! Kendra!!! Tear!!! :) Thank you. And you did amazing!!! To have walked and ran and still finished in under 1 hour 30 mins?? AMAZING! For sure let's do one together next time!!! And that is so amazing your husband came!! How super sweet. :)

Unknown said...

That's awesome!! Wow! You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing.

Kimberly said...

Way to go Kendra!!! You're setting such a wonderful example for your children. You should be so proud of yourself.

Weightless said...

Awesome! You and I are so much a like. And I'm so proud of you! Way to go!

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