The commercial for apple "There's an app for that" is totally true. So many apps to help with fitness and weight loss it's crazy.
The ones that I use are pretty straight forward.
I have the Weight Watchers app, which allows me to track my points electronically (if I'm actually tracking that day), figure out points values of food, and figure out activity values.
Calorie Hunter Lite offers nutritional values at tons of popular restaurants, and although I don't always find them to be extremely accurate based on the actual website of the restaurant, they are pretty close, and easy to find on short notice.
The 24hr Fitness app has become one of my favorite. I can easily look up class schedules at the gym based on class or location. Awesome.
But my go-to favorite app ever is the Nike +. I don't know if any of you use this, but I love, love, love my Nike +. There is a little sensor that fits in my shoe and tracks my distance while I'm running. Then, based on how long it takes me, my iPod tells me my average pace, how far I went, and how long it took. It tracks my mileage and shows me what each run looks like. Here is an example:
Awesome, right? It shows my beginning run, then walking up the hill, then running, then each big dip is a stoplight. It then allows me to make a little note at the bottom about running conditions and where I went so that I can use it in the future if I want to repeat a run or see my improvements.
It tracks all of my runs, which looks like this...
And then I can see my longest, run, fastest run, and so on in graph form. Love.
And because I am such a big number girl, this is totally inspiring to me, to see how much I have accomplished and to see how much I've improved.
What tools do you use that you love?
me = jealous. I have an Iphone but dont have Nike running shoes. My feet fit better in Saucony. Boo.
That is really an awesome app! I am a numbers girl too, so should I take up running I would love to have something like that to monitor my progress.
WTG on getting out there and running, and tracking everything!
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