
Monday, October 11, 2010

Uniquely You

It's Friend Makin' Monday again over at Kenz' house!! Join in the fun!! Copy and Paste the questions below in to your own post and then answer them. Make sure you link up!

1) Do you prefer talking or texting? Texting. Easy. Then the other person can not hear my children yelling in the background. Plus, I can take as long as I want to respond.

Do you make your bed everyday? I wish that I could say yes, but embarassingly, no. It is a good day when it gets made. We haven't had very many of them around here lately.

What sounds do you hear right now? The air conditioner, the noise machine in the boys room, and the TV.
4) List three things that you always carry with you: my cell phone and a chap stick are the only guarantees.

What are your favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy, The Office, The Big Bang Theory, and One Tree Hill ( which I almost didn't admit to ). But I also can't get enough of The Amazing Race. 

Is there a hobby that you'd like to devote more time to? If so, what is it? Sewing. I would love to be able to sew whenever I wanted to.
7) What is your favorite drink? Diet Coke. There is nothing better than an ice cold Diet Coke. At any time of day, but preferably first thing in the morning..

Share a couple of cool facts about your family: My Dad was born in Indonesia, and didn't come to the states until he was in grade school. He learned to speak English by watching TV.

List one thing that you will do for yourself today: I went for a run this morning. So I think my "me time" has already happened.
10) Share something that you're thankful for today: For God's provision. For His faithfulness. For His forgiveness. For His mercy. For His grace. For His sacrifice.


Anonymous said...

I love your answers!! Questionnaires are so fun!

Brandi. said...

Isn't it sad that when we have kids we have to convince ourselves that we get "me time"! I scrubbed the bathroom for 2 hours yesterday and counted that as my time...

Hope you have a great week!

Unknown said...

I would love to be able to sew more often! Loved the questionnaire!

Stacy said...

Loved this. Posted it and a link on my blog.

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