
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We are home.

In an air conditioned home.

In our own beds.

Unfortunately, we had some casualties. We could not fit all of our food in to our in-laws refrigerator and freezer, so we had to leave some stuff behind.

Perfect time to clean out the fridge, which, lets face it, should have been done a long time ago. ( Did I use too many commas there? )

So here is most of the food that was wasted during our 36+ hour power outage.

I know that some of it might have been able to be salvaged, like maybe the peas? But because I was unsure about rules regarding thawing out and refreezing, I decided that we would be better off spending 59 cents on a new bag of peas.

And the pancakes are for my kids. I don't eat them.

I wish that this box was going to the Lose for Good campaign, but sadly it is joining the dirty diapers that are stinking up my trash can.

And I know that this it totally unrelated and random,  but look how cute he is.

Night Night!!


Kimberly said...

Oh my...he is cute!!!

My home ec teacher (from ages ago) used to say...when in doubt, throw it out!!! You did the right thing. I'm sorry for the waste, but am happy you're back home.

Adrienne said...

He is so cute!! And I agree.. I have had food poisoning before and it is not worth it one bit!

Weightless said...

He is adorable! Our freezer is full of food we will never eat, bought didn't like it or just isn't "healthy" enough anymore. You're probably right, it's a good time to throw things out.

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